Chakde Credit

Freedom from Bad Credit


Why Chakde Credit?

We expertise makes the credit repair process easier for customers. Chakde Credit  know what to look for, understand the process needed to fix inaccuracies, and are informed on what clients are legally entitled to request from both credit bureaus and creditors.



How to Improve Your Credit Score?


One in five people has an error on at least one of their four credit reports, a study by our experts.

For example, you may discover information about a credit card you never had on one or all four of your credit reports. You may find a misspelling of your name on the list of alternative names you have gone by. You may see late payment information for a credit card that was never paid late, or even a loan still listed as open when you have closed it.

These are just some examples of questionable negative information on your credit report that can adversely affect your credit score and form the basis of your credit dispute. Since the study conducted by our experts revealed that errors can lead consumers to pay more for products such as home loans and auto loans, it’s important to take immediate action on any errors you find.

Education & Learning

What is a Credit Dispute?


A credit dispute is an inquiry sent to a credit bureau about an error on your credit report. If you regularly check your credit reports from all four major credit bureaus, you're likely on the lookout for negative information. If and when you do come across such information, you may wonder what your options are to fix your credit reports. The answer is a credit dispute.

By submitting a dispute, you are requesting that the credit bureau look into the accuracy of this information and to correct the information or remove it from your credit report if they are unable to verify that it is accurate. Essentially, a dispute is a request sent to the credit bureaus for them to conduct an investigation of questionable information on your credit report

A credit bureau dispute is your way of notifying the specific credit bureau that you are challenging the accuracy of questionable information on a report. This dispute can take the form of a letter sent to the credit bureau, a phone call or an online dispute submitted via the credit bureau's respective websites


Common Mistakes to Avoid When Filing a Credit Dispute


When filing a credit dispute there are a few mistakes that people commonly make. These can stall the process and if done incorrectly, can end up hurting you more than helping.

Not all information can be disputed

Only information that is inaccurate, untimely, misleading, incomplete, ambiguous, unverifiable, biased, or unclear can be challenged. Anything that is accurate, even though it may be negative, cannot be formally challenged with the credit bureaus.

Choosing to challenge online or by phone

Going through the credit bureau’s online dispute system is convenient and fast. Credit bureaus may even encourage you to challenge credit errors online, but that’s because they are the ones who benefit. In reality, it is best to do everything on paper so that you have a written record.

Although you can attach evidence to your online dispute, your best bet is to have a paper trail. This means mailing a detailed letter via certified mail, attaching evidence proving the mistake, and making copies for your records. This makes it more difficult for the credit bureau to claim they didn’t have enough information to investigate

Credit Disputes and Your Credit Score

It is important to challenge questionable negative information on your credit reports as this information can negatively impact your credit score. It is best to have your credit reports as accurate as possible before applying for a mortgage, car loan, insurance, or even a job.

A lower credit score resulting from questionable negative information on your credit report can unfairly prevent you from qualifying for a loan, keep you from getting approved for a low-interest rate, cause your car insurance premiums to increase, or come between you and a new job.

Because of the difficulties many people run into when disputing questionable items with the credit bureaus, hundreds and hundreds have turned to Chakde Credit, the trusted leaders in credit repair. Chakde Credit provides credit bureau disputes as well as a number of other credit repair services designed to help you make the most of your credit.


 What is a Credit Report?


Banks utilize your credit report so as to pass judgment on your unwavering quality as a loan candidate. Your credit report demonstrates your capacity to deal with obligation mindfully and will assist keeps money with choosing if you are an alluring advance client. A high Credit Score can assist you with securing low-financing costs or secure unique arrangements on advances. An awful credit report may keep you from making sure about Loans and can harm your capacity to purchase a vehicle, to get a credit card, or find a decent line of work now. A background marked by the powerlessness to deal with your credit effectively will make loan specialists awkward about confiding in you with extra assets later on. You are qualified for a free duplicate of your credit report once per year, an offer you should explore. At the point when you do get your credit report, check to guarantee the figures are exact and act rapidly to address any mix-ups. This may incorporate any administrative blunders, data fraud issues, or wrong data. On the off chance that your Credit Score is low, you should start chipping away at a money related restoration plan, either all alone or with an ensured Credit Repair Consultancy, to start amending your bad debt habits. Lenders use your credit report in order to judge your reliability as a loan candidate. Your credit report indicates your ability to handle debt responsibly and will help banks decide if you are a desirable loan customer. A high credit score can help you lock in low-interest rates or secure special deals on loans. A bad credit report may prevent you from securing loans and can damage your ability to buy a car, open a credit card, or get a good job now. A history of inability to manage your credit successfully will make lenders uncomfortable about trusting you with additional funds in the future. You are entitled to a free copy of your credit report once a year, an offer you should take advantage of. When you do receive your credit report, check to ensure the figures are accurate and act quickly to correct any mistakes. This may include any clerical errors, identity theft issues, or incorrect information. If your credit score is low, you should begin working on a financial rehabilitation plan, either on your own or with a certified debt counselor, to begin correcting your bad debt habits.

How a Low Credit Score Can affect one life?


A low credit score hurts your ability to get loans and raises the cost of interest when you can get it. Now, most of the big organizations checking Credit scores before giving jobs. A poor credit score can cost you hundreds of thousands of rupees over your life. Enter in a credit score and a Loan Principal below to see how much a poor credit score can cost you on just your mortgage. If you are a homeowner or looking to buy, raising your credit score is the most important thing for you to do. A superior score implies lower installments as well as can mean a greater house

What Is a Good Credit Score?


Credit scores range from 300 to 900. A good credit score will usually be in the 750–800 range. The higher the score, the more easily you will be approved for a loan or a credit card, and the lower interest you will need to pay.

Understanding credit can be tricky, but it’s not a new concept. Many people use credit responsibly and it’s helped them secure lower interest rates on loans for the things they need like homes and cars

If you’re struggling with damaged credit, Chakde Credit may be able to help you. For over a decade, Our expert helped consumers challenge negative information on their credit reports that is unfair, inaccurate, and unverifiable.

What Affects Your Credit Score?


The five main factors that affect your credit score are:

. Payment History: 35%

. Credit Utilization: 30%

. Length of Credit History: 15%

. Different Types of Credit: 10%

. New Credit: 10%

Top Five Easy Ways to Improve Your Credit Score.


There are several things you can do to improve your credit score but these following are the top five easy ways to improve your credit score.


1. Make payments on time.

2. Keep balances low on revolving credit cards.

3. Don’t close old credit cards to improve the length of your credit history.

4. Don’t apply for too much credit to avoid inquiries.

5. Always pay off your highest interest debt first.