Chakde Credit

Freedom from Bad Credit


Frequently asked Question




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Top Reasons Why Choose Us!

The Process

 Free Consulatation



Do you have any question before we start helping you raise your credit score? No problem! We can offer you free consultation. Just give us a call.

Personalized Strategy


Every customer's situation is different. We have built a customized credit strategy to help you reach your goals within the  shortest amount of time.


Rejoice in Results



We can't guarantee your results, but most of our customers start seeing the best results within 90 days of signing up for our service.

Our Promise



Our top priority is to assist you with increasing your credit score and rebuilding your credit. Our team of experts is here to help you with any questions, or issues that may arise.

Why Chakde Credit ?


We expertise makes the credit repair process easier for customers. Chakde Credit know what to look for, understand the process needed to fix inaccuracies, and are informed on what clients are legally entitled to request from both credit bureaus and creditors.


What is credit repair?


Credit repair is a general term that refers to the practice of a consumer challenge inaccurate, misleading, or unverifiable information on the consumer’s credit report to improve one’s inaccurate credit standing.

Do employers also look for credit reports?


In India looking once a credit report before hiring was never trended but in the last few years, bigger organizations are looking for credit reports before hiring employees. Sometimes, employers check these reports to know about the financial position of a concerning person. In the credit reports, they can find all information about loans, credits, credit card transactions, and mortgages. Your credit report is helpful in determining your financial status.


How a Low Credit Score Can affect me?


A low Credit Score harms your capacity to get advances and raises the expense of credit when you can get it. A poor credit score can cost you lakh and lakh of rupees over your life. If you are looking to buy a house or car or looking for a personal loan or credit card then raising your Credit score is the most important thing for you to do.


When Should I Pay My Credit Card?


You can find out through your credit card provider, which date they report your balances to the Credit Bureaus. Make sure, you pay down as much as you can, right before that reporting date to get the best report for that month.

How Many Credit Cards Should I Have?


While there is no set-off number, a good baseline is to have about not more than 5 different credit cards. The key is how you manage your credit responsibility by making payments on-time and keeping your balances low, while still using those cards each month.

How Does Credit Repair Work?


The credit fix process incorporates conveying question letters to the entirety of the credit departments and mentioning approval inside 30 days. We can likewise contest things that have mistakes in the documentation, account numbers, and individual data. Once, all the debatable things are evacuated, we will give knowledge on the most proficient method to assemble new credit and keep up that great credit for a considerable length of time to come.

How Long Does the Credit Repair Process Take?


Generally, speaking that depends on items which we are working on, in many reports we got results within 30 days and in some cases you will see the results in 60 to 90 days. Some items may take longer than that, but once you have a few items removed from your credit report, any positive credit added, will grow your score faster. In the event that you need to discover what we can accomplish for you if it's not too much trouble total our Free Consultation structure and we can get to your individual case and give some better understanding